The Swan Princess Wiki
Name Lorenzo Trudgealong
Nick Name Speed
Gender Male
Species Turtle
Status Alive
Friends Odette, Derek, Jean-Bob, Puffin, Bridget, Lord Rogers, Alise, Whizzer, Scully, Number Nine (Jasper), Lucas
Enemies Rothbart, Bridget (formerly), Scullions (Formerly) Alligators, Great Animal, Clavius and Zelda
Voiced by Steven Wright (1st film), Doug Stone (2nd - 12th film)
First Appearance The Swan Princess

Lorenzo "Speed" Trudgealong is a male brown turtle who is the supporting character of The Swan Princess.

Sometimes he appears to be very fast despite being a turtle, but other times, he appears to be very slow. Other times, he appears to go at a normal speed. Even though he is slow on land, he is a fast swimmer, earning him the name Speed. He also has a bit of a sarcastic, witty streak to him, particularly towards Jean-Bob.


Not much is known about Speed's backstory, except that he is the son of Lucia Trudgealong, and when he was trying to find his way back to the sea, he found a frog named Jean-Bob, and the two became friends.

The Swan Princess[]

He is first seen at Swan Lake with his old friend, Jean-Bob. He befriends Odette and Puffin when he meets them. He witness along with Jean-Bob how Odette turns back into her human form as she is under spell cast by the evil Enchanter Rothbart and the only way to break is that Derek has to make a wow of Everlasting love to her or otherwise marry Rothbart and he would break it. Many nights Rothbart asks Odette several times to marry him but she rejects him. When Odette and her friends managed to get a map to find Derek Speed and Jean-Bob stayed at Swan Lake for Odette and Puffin's return.

When Odette and Puffin are reunited with them both they realized that moon rises from the horizon Puffin urges Odette, to go to the lake but she refuses as she would be killed by Derek but then she takes courage and Odette transform back into a princess once again. But soon after happy reunion between Derek and Odette and finding out how to break the spell Rothbart overheard they conversation he imprisons Odette in her swan form at the underwater dungeon. But Speed, Jean-Bob and Puffin freed her but she has arrived too late to warn Derek as a fake Odette is dancing (Bridget in disguise). Odette tried to get her attention to Derek but in vain. He makes the wow to the wrong girl and this causes Odette to grow weak. Rothbart appears says that Derek made the wow of everlasting death. Realizing his huge mistake and seeing a weak swan fly away he raced to Swan Lake.

Speed and his friends watch Odette flies weakly and soon falls to the ground turning into a human. Odette confessed her true feelings for Derek by saying: I love you Derek, and she dies in his arms. Rothbart transforms into The Great Animal and attacks Derek. Puffin, Speed, and Jean-Bob watch in horror as Derek is weaponless and powerless and then Puffin remembered that the bow was still at the bottom of the lake. Puffin throws Jean-Bob to the lake to get it back and Speed give him a hand and he threw the bow along with Jean-Bob and Derek recovers and he realized he hasn't bring his arrows with him. But luckily Bromley send him an arrow to him and Derek kills Rothbart. With Rothbart's evilness gone for ever Speed, Puffin and Jean-Bob are cheerful but soon they go silence as they hear Derek holding Odette in his arms again and she hasn't come back to life. Derek confessed to feelings for Odette and he loves her for her kindness and courage and kiss her on her forehead and hiding his face. Odette comes back to life and both overjoyed. Soon Derek and Odette married and Speed, Puffin and Jean-Bob are also happy for them and all lived happy ever after.

The Swan Princess II: Escape From Castle Mountain[]

The Swan Princess III: The Mystery Of The Enchanted Treasure[]

The Swan Princess: Christmas[]

The Swan Princess: A Royal Family Tale[]

The Swan Princess: Princess Tomorrow, Pirate Today![]

The Swan Princess: Royally Undercover[]

The Swan Princess: A Royal MyZtery[]

The Swan Princess: Kingdom Of Music[]

The Swan Princess: A Royal Wedding[]

The Swan Princess: A Fairy Tale Is Born[]

The Swan Princess: Far Longer Than Forever[]


He is wise.


Speed's body is brown, except for his mouth, which is light brown. His shell is patterned with dark green and light green colors.


  • "Friends call me Speed." (introductory catchphrase)


  • Speed's real name is Lorenzo Trudgealong, but other than Odette introducing him as that to Puffin, his real name is not addressed again.

